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The Prepared Woman Part 2


A 2-Day Intensive of
Prophetic Instruction and Strategy for 2025.


A Monumental Moment

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Join us at the Nation's Capital, during an election year (a strategic time), on a strategic date (8/24/24), at a strategic location... (THE MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE ) to invoke the glory of God in a much needed way!


This will indeed be a monumental event!


This year's Conference will include:

  • Corporate Prayer on the National Mall

  • Special Guest Speakers

  • VIP Night Prophetic Encounter

  • "Kairos Marriage" Session & Relationship Panel

  • Full Access to the Museum of the Bible Exhibits

  • Full day of praise and worship, powerful teaching, prophetic impartation, deliverance, prayer for the nation, and global intercession



So make plans EARLY to join us on August 23rd & 24th for our VIP Night and Main Conference at The Museum of the Bible. This unique event is something you want to be a part of!

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Museum of the Bible

Located in the heart of Washington, DC, Museum of the Bible offers an abundance of attractions, interactive exhibits, and fascinating artifacts. Our three main exhibit floors cover the history, narrative, and impact of the Bible. With special exhibits and our live theater, we’re always finding ways to show how the Bible impacts our lives.


Book Your Stay

Reserve your room at the Holiday Inn: Washington Capitol - Natl Mall, the venue for VIP Night and just a short walk from the Museum of the Bible. Use the link below for a discounted rate.

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